
Clone wiki

Moneydance / Using the File Display


When you select the extension from the extension menu you will be presented with the following screen:


The screen has three areas. The menu at the top, the tree on the left and the data table on the right.



Before you can see any data you need to select the data you want. Each of the check boxes (1) identifies the type of data you wish to display. Clicking on one of the Generate button (3).

For Transactions (2) you can display them either by account which will only work when you have selected an account in the Tree, or by File which displays all tranactions. No matter which way you display transactions only those with a date within the range selected will be displayed.

If you choose to display transactions by File you can display them at any time.

Once you have made your selections click on Generate (3) to load the data into the tree.


The Tree displays the various records within the data file. This is empty until you click on Generate which will display this:

tree closed.jpg

Whe Once the data is loaded you traverse the records by clicking on the different branches
