Fix whitespace

Issue #12 new
14mRh4X0r created an issue

From the quick look I've taken, it shows mixed use of tabs and spaces as indenting, and some trailing whitespace (e.g. in This is quite annoying when viewing the source, and takes up unneccesary space! 😏

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan Steinheimer

    Made /god implementation slightly less ugly. /god now survives switches to and from creative mode, and can be set while in creative mode. Cleaned up whitespace (see issue #12).

    → <<cset 7c8edcfe7690>>

  2. Stefan Steinheimer

    I'd claim that it's a hidden whitespace program, but you'd probably test it, so I have to admit that I've been negligent there. Fixed (for now) in commit 7c8edcf, but I'll leave it open as a reminder.

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