Players and mods cant place Water/Lava.

Issue #114 resolved
xArches created an issue

When players a bucket of water or lava it comes up in gcheck twice (used water/lava bucket, then used water/lava block) and doesn't place and isn't consumed.

Doesn't happen to admins, only players and moderators.

Comments (3)

  1. Anna Bakker

    When using a water bucket on a block a torch is currently on it will break the torch as normal but not show any water block being there, might be placing then removing water/lava quickly.

  2. Riot

    Likely because fishyshield or griefalert is now catching water and lava placement as placing the block as well as using the item - placing the block has never been permitted. Workaround may be to disable checking for placement of the illegal blocks in griefalert.

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