/who incorrect name display

Issue #118 resolved
Riot created an issue

"Reported" by xArches:

17:49 <Arches> ./who shows up crazy. like the section sign for the donor stars or something takes the first letter of the name to make something different
17:49 <Arches> for example, trent, being an obsidian donor and a white name. his stars don't show up, but his names comes up as "4trent3" but darkred
17:50 <Arches> because &4 is dark red color code
17:50 <Arches> Mystila, shows "ystila" crossed out
17:51 <Arches> Darkrai, being an aether & admin only shows "1TheDarkrai85", the one being white, the name being the correct color
17:51 <Arches> so on, so forth

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