/gethead not giving heads

Issue #15 resolved
Michael Nova created an issue

After I make a ban /gethead will say you have claimed all the heads of players you have banned. This has happened twice so far, the first time on june 10th, and the second on june 15th. Each time I have not used gethead immediately after the ban and I did not relog during the time either.

Comments (9)

  1. Michael Nova reporter

    The players were ben46308, and DarkAsh125, I attempted ben46308's at around june 10th 20:36-:38 which was immediately after the ban or when I warped to my vault. So I attempted a couple times, re-logged and tried again and got nothing. I even made a few bans after that and obtained their heads, but not ben's. Now for DarkAsh125 I attempted it just before june 15th 07:13ish and tried the same sever attempt and relog attempt. I even put a new ban through (Didn't unban) and it still did not work. Bans I later made did yield a head and so far this issue hasn't reoccurred.

  2. Michael Nova reporter

    I don't recall marking this as a major bug, should have been trivial. Sorry if this raised any big red flags.

  3. Riot

    Aha, this issue is caused by the fact that it seems the ban description can also match past collected heads, so "ban evasion hbraun33" tripped the fact that hbraun33's head had already been collected. Will need to filter more intelligently...

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