Moderators can use the /god command

Issue #180 resolved
Anna Bakker created an issue

Moderators can use "/god on" and this will say "You are now invulnerable!" in green text. After using the command "/god on" you will not take any damage, can not eat (you can try but it won't refill any hunger or use up any food), you hunger level will not change. You can go into portals instantly, etc etc all the things as if you were on god mode or creative mode.

Moderators can also use "/god off" which will say "You are no longer invulnerable!" in yellow text and will return the player to normal and allow them to take damage again.

Using "/god off" while already vulnerable says "You already were vulnerable before using /god off." and same with "/god on" while already on but with off replaced with on and vulnerable replaced with invulnerable.

A time when this command was used is at 08:13 to 08:15 server time.

Comments (8)

  1. Riot

    This is actually a classicloader bug, and the dangling permissions should be reported there - although i'm sure they already have been.

  2. Anna Bakker reporter
    • changed status to open

    Mods can still use in the time within about 10 minutes after or during a gcheck by using "/god on" or "/god off" and it does everything stated in the original description.

    Before a /gcheck or after the 10 minutes after a /gcheck it will say "Unknown command" when using "/god on" or "/god off"

    I am reopening this issue here as it seems to be a issue with the work around you are using to fix it (please correct me or close this issue if I am wrong). But fixing the "Permissions remain after temporary command use" issue will also solve this one.

    Times when these commands were used is from 04:04 to 4:14 Server time (Mon 24 GMT 2014).

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