Adding more /render commands

Issue #193 resolved
Anna Bakker created an issue

Current commands:

  • /render adds a render to the queue of where the player is looking, says you already have a render if you have one in the queue aswell as the coords and tells to use "/render cancel" if you wish to cancel it.
  • /render queue shows the render queue, what render is in progress and how many more renders are in the queue.
  • /render cancel cancels a render you have in the queue.

New commands:

  • /render or /render help or /render <anything-that-isn't-a-command> shows help for render and lists commands.
  • /render add adds a render to the queue of where the player is looking, says you already have a render if you have one in the queue aswell as the coords and tells to use "/render cancel" if you wish to cancel it (same as old "/render")
  • /render queue shows the render queue, what render is in progress and how many more renders are in the queue (same as before).
  • /render cancel cancels a render you have in the queue (same as before).

Comments (10)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    My input would be to change from /render to start a new render to /render new. Then to change /render to show all the commands, would be less confusing IMO.

  2. Anna Bakker reporter

    It already had /render as the same thing as /render help. /render new could just be a alias for /render add.

  3. Anna Bakker reporter

    An option to send a /mail of the render link when it's done could be useful too. As some players might not be ingame or in irc when their render is completed.

  4. Riot

    I would take care with any command that allows queuing of automated mail. It would need to ensure that no more than a certain number of emails is sent per day, and only to verified email addresses; it would also need to have various characteristics to avoid appearing as spam to mail providers.

  5. Anna Bakker reporter

    I was just meaning using the /mail system similarly to as if a player would /mail another player or the way resolving a greport sends a /mail.

    Though the /mail system itself does send emails by default to registered players iirc, does that not already have what you said?

  6. Riot

    Hooking the private mail system would be fine, yep. Although it might be nice to revisit that code and make sure it has adequate checks.

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