/slaughter not working

Issue #204 invalid
Michael Nova created an issue

Both /slaughter and /butcher give an error when using them and do not eliminate any mobs.

The entire error message: Please report this error: [See console] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityTameable.getEntity()Lcom/minecraftonline/classicloader/classicapi/TamableEntity;

Comments (6)

  1. Anna Bakker

    As suggested by @darkdiplomat, the /butcher in slaughter could be replaced by the /mob clear command easily.

    This works but using it with remotecommand it gives non-admins who use it a "Unknown command" message.

    In 1.8 it could also be replaced with vanilla's /kill command. /kill @e[type=!Player,r=5] as an example. But that example would kill things such as itemframes too.

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