God Commands Flunk

Issue #295 duplicate
Apex VII created an issue


So apparently something has wrong during my absence from the game. So starting off, I'm a God donor and everyone knows that...

Some of the commands that need fixing are:

  • /time (it spits out and Unknown Command error)
  • Also the cool down time of the commands are still set on my client
  • Damage values using /i - I used to be able to do this back in the day but now it's clear that I don't have the clearance to do so.

I'll add to this list as time goes on because I'm still finding things out as I play*

Comments (3)

  1. Riot

    The item damage values got nerfed to prevent abuse since 1.8 - this was due to being impossible to separate item values from further NBT data, but may get reinstituded again if it's necessary.

    You should definitely have access to /time - that command is explicitly enabled. Are you sure you're using it correctly? The syntax changed since 1.8.

    What commands specifically enforce a cooldown that shouldn't? Can you give me a list?

    Downgrading the priority to "minor" because it only affects a minor part of gameplay for a minority of players.

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