/staff spams lines of "[INFO] staffmsg:"

Issue #343 resolved
Xander Greenwood created an issue

The /staff command can spam lines of text seemingly randomly after the c++ port, attached is a screenshot of it (http://i.imgur.com/g8CIs1Y.png).

Comments (3)

  1. Anna Bakker

    Using /staff i showed the normal staff message and 2016-02-07 22:26:45 [INFO] staffmsg: <Anna_28> i twice in chat. But only shows it once in server logs. Trying to /staff i again doesn't cause this though.

  2. Anna Bakker

    2016-02-07 23:34:07 [INFO] staffmsg: <Anna_28> But is it working? 2016-02-07 23:34:07 [INFO] [exec] Message to group staff succesfully sent. Showed in my chat after saying <Anna_28> But is it working? in staff.

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