A player has been unbanned, but the unbanning has not been reflected on the playernotes page.

Issue #359 resolved
Edward Hart-Davis created an issue

A while ago, I banned WeLiz. Soon afterwards, he was unbanned by Flippeh. Awesome!

However, on my player notes page on the Control Panel, he wasn't marked as unbanned for some reason. The ban has been demoted to a warning just fine, as can be seen below.

Here's a way to get to the page of concern: http://minecraftonline.com/cgi-bin/controlpanel?playernotes=Ted1246

Here are a couple screenshots:



Comments (8)

  1. Anna Bakker

    This only counts unbans you have made, which may not even been people you had banned. It also wouldn't be counting any bans that were unbanned as they are warning notes (or could even be info notes) and not ban ones.

    So without checking every player you have a warning/info note on for if they have an unbanned logged it would be hard to calculate which of your bans were unbanned. And then there is the problem of other people also having valid warnings that were not from unbans on players who got unbanned. There doesn't seem to be any easy way to tell if a warning (or info) note was previous a ban.

  2. Edward Hart-Davis reporter

    Would you not be able to hook into the list of bans and just compare every 'ban' note to see whether it currently holds power, with a way to refresh it, or with it refreshing itself every month or something? Could be a 'bans no longer in effect' thing?

  3. Anna Bakker

    What list of bans? All ban notes stop players from being able to connect, if a player is unbanned then they no longer have a ban note (it becomes a warning or info note)

  4. 14mRh4X0r
    • edited description
    • changed status to invalid

    You don't see WeLiz's unban note because you did not unban him (FliPPeh did). The playernotes page is there for notes you made.

  5. Anna Bakker

    This isn't about being able to see the unban note. It is about the percentage of bans that were unbanned message being incorrect, due to how it is calculated. It only checks unbans the player has made (which might not even be on players that player had banned) and the ban notes themselves won't be ban notes if the player was unbanned (so you could have "Total bans: 0, of which 1 have been unbanned")

    I think the best option would be just to reword it so it says how many unbans you have made.

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