double vote

Issue #419 new
Slime_tiger created an issue

when i vote from my phone, i put my name in but i don't press the verify or the submit button, i press the "go" button on the keyboard, and a vote somehow gets sent twice.

Comments (7)

  1. Anna Bakker

    Voting logs show:


    (replaced actual ip with "IP")

    This happens often and only appears to happen for Slime_tiger.

  2. Riot

    This is just the data we get passed from MCSL. It's literally passing us "IP" in the address segment.

    However, a lot of other issues seem to stem from netcat trying to stay open too long. I've added a timeout to have it restart daily.

  3. Riot

    Oh, I just misread what you were saying. Indeed there's no problem reading the IP itself. So the logs show no issue as far as I can see. Again, it's just the server sending us this data.

  4. Anna Bakker

    This also happens with me and other players, when sending the vote without pressing the "I'm not a robot" button.

  5. Riot

    In this case, it's a bug on MCSL's site - they're failing to verify the capcha correctly. Please report it to them.

  6. Slime_tiger reporter

    Today i voted again from my phone and got the double voting thing again, but when i logged in later i had only 1 token, but before i had 31.

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