Some death messages do not come up in IRC.

Issue #63 resolved
Anna Bakker created an issue

Not all death messages ingame show up in IRC. These death types inculde: Squashed by a falling Anvil, Killed by Iron Golem, Fell out of the world (void or jumping off the end demension), Getting killed by another player using a bow, Killed by potions (witches or just any potion that can kill).

There may also be others that not listed here. Next time I can I will test if any other death types like cactus etc also don't show up and update this list.

Comments (13)

  1. Anna Bakker reporter
    • changed status to open

    Now only deaths by mobs and players show up, deaths by fall damage or drowning no longer come up in IRC.

    Also the new death messages such as "(MCS) * Player was slain by Zombie" can be faked by ingame players using /me similar to how IRC users can make it look like they quit or left the channel.

  2. Anna Bakker reporter
    • changed status to open

    Not all deaths show up.

    Missing messages/death types are:

    • Void or falling out of the world.
    • Admin killing players with commands.
    • Death by wither effect.
    • Death by explosions.
    • Swimming in lava after being hurt by a mob or player (tried to swim in lava to escape mob/player)
    • Falling from a high place after being hurt by a player/mob (similar to above ^ ).
    • Death by fire after getting hurt by a player/mob.
    • Getting squashed by a falling Anvil.
    • Death by suffocation (getting stuck in a block and taking damage from it).

    Death types that work:

    • Killed by player/mob.
    • Death by fire.
    • Death by lava.
    • Death by falling.
  3. Anna Bakker reporter

    ###Notes:### * Player = the player that has died. * Player2 = the mob or player that killed or harmed them before they died. * Weapon = A renamed item that Player2 used to kill Player. * Most of these were tested with users MINECRAFTMAN280 as Player and Anna_28 as Player2, if you wish to search the logs of these deaths.

    ###List of Death types that come up in IRC:### * "Player fell from a high place" death by falling from somewhere high (note it is not the same as "Player hit the ground too hard") * "Player was slain by Player2" or "Player was slain by Player2 using Weapon" Basic pvp death. * "Player went up in flames" When Player dies from standing in a fire block. * "Player tried to swim in lava" When Player quite literally tries to swim in lava. (when Player dies from lava while being in the lava block). * "Player drowned" when Player dies from running out of air underwater.

    ###List of Death types that do not come up in IRC:### * "Player hit the ground too hard" This is different from "Player fell from a high place" as you don't need to take much dammage or fall from somewhere high, eg you could fall 4 blocks with half a heart and die, or this can come up when you die from using enderpearls too much. * "Player was doomed to fall by Player2" This is when Player2 harms a player before they fall from a high place. * "Player was shot by Player2" or "Player was shot by Player2 using Weapon" skeletons with bows shooting Player or Player2 shooting Player (with Weapon). * "Player walked into fire whilst fighting Player2" When a player gets hurt by Player2 then dies in a fire block. * "Player burned to death" when a player dies by being on fire (but not in/on a fireblock). * "Player was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting Player2" when Player dies by being on fire (not in a fire block) after being hurt by Player2. * "Player tried to swim in lava to escape Player2" when Player dies in lava after being hurt by Player2. * "Player fell out of the world" when Player falls into the void or jumps off the end dimension. * "Player drowned whilst trying to escape Player2" when Player dies from running out of air underwater after being hurt by Player2. * "Player suffocated in a wall" when player gets traped inside blocks and dies from it. * "Player was squashed by falling anvil" when a anvil falls from the sky and kills Player upon impact. * "Player was killed by Player2 using magic" when Player2 kills Player by throwing a splash potion of instant damage/harming at Player (Player2 can also be a witch mob or Player). * "Player blew up" or "Player was blown up by Player2" when Player gets blown up by explosives such as TNT, Creepers, Ghasts fireballs, TNT minecarts. (Player2 can be a creeper, ghast or wither if that mob killed Player). * "Player withered away" when Player dies from the wither poison effect given by wither skeletons or the wither boss mob. * "Player died" when a admin decides to /kill Player. * "Player was fireballed by Player2" (note Player2 can only be a ghast or blaze in this case as they are the only mobs that shoot fireballs).

    ###1.7+ Death messages### * "Player fell off a ladder" when Player, falls to their death after being on a ladder. * "Player fell off a vine" same as above, but with vines instead of ladders.

  4. Anna Bakker reporter

    Love the new death messages. Though I realized I missed one on that list before: /heal death, which comes up as "Player died", also note that the other "Player died" from admin /kill comes up dark red last I checked.

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