Favicon not working

Issue #22 resolved
wiggydave10 created an issue

1) Go to user profile See: No FTL icon in tab. Just see blank document icon Expect: FTL icon.

Also occurs on schedule page when editing/adding reservation.

Note: Chrome dev tools is routing to "https://ftlapp.minerbog.co.uk/user/favicon.ico". Looks as though it works on an page with "###.co.uk/###" as it replaces anything after last "/" becoming "###.co.uk/favicon.ico" and "###.co.uk/###/###" becomes "###.co.uk/###/favicon.ico".

Comments (5)

  1. Gavin Sharp repo owner

    Can you elaborate on this. I don't understand what you are doing to get this and I can't seem to recreate it.

  2. wiggydave10 reporter

    The icon on the tab doesn't seem to appear in chrome.

    1) Click "Profile" on navigation

    2) Select "Profile" from options

    See: No icon on tab

    Expect: FTL Icon

    See attached images. One on dashboard and other on user profile page.

    Nothing serious, but something I spotted.

    Looks like its routing to to "user/favicon.ico" rather than the root directory (where I guess the icon is).



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