Multi booking for plane

Issue #23 resolved
wiggydave10 created an issue

1) Find a slot where someone has already booked a flight in a plane. E.g. 29/09/17 2) Click on free instructor. E.g. Jack Rose 3) Create a reservation at the same time as another reservation. E.g. 9:00am 4) Select aeroplane which had booking on. E.g. (G-CCZV) 5) Select instructor that you clicked on. E.g. Jack Rose. 6) Click "Book it" See: Booking appears for instructor, but cannot see on plane as previous booking was already there. Expect: Error when trying to create booking as plane is not free or plane not available to select.

Comments (9)

  1. wiggydave10 reporter

    Looks as though main issue has been fixed, but still possible via modifying the lesson.

    1) Go to schedule

    2) Find a day where existing bookings are on. e.g. 06/10/17

    3) Book a flight in empty slot, using instructor that already has booking in a different plane. e.g. G-BPME @ 15:00 with Ian Marshell.

    4) Modify your time of lesson to time with booking. e.g. Start time is 13:00.

    See: Booking is modified

    Expect: Booking not to be allowed

    Note: Seems like only possibility, when changing the instructor in this situation (say original was Ivan) it says instructor has booking. Looks like its not checking instructor availability if instructor doesn't change.



  2. wiggydave10 reporter

    Also happens if the situation is the same, but for a plane. Just changing time slot with plane already in use it gets modified successfully when shouldn't.

  3. wiggydave10 reporter

    Still seems to be an issue actually.

    1) PUT user

    2) Find a date with plane blacked out (which is approved as well)

    3) Book flying lesson in that plane for 2 hours

    See: Reservation added

    Expect: Reservation error as plane is blacked out for whole day.

    Note: Same happens with Instructor.

    Note: Doesn't happen when try and book the 9:00am slot, but does at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00, but not 17:00. Looks like to see if its booked it uses the start time and end time, but not time in middle?


  4. Gavin Sharp repo owner

    Can override bookings if you extend your booking to beyond the end of the current ones.

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