
Clone wiki

0x1-miniat / Get_The_Source

Get The Source

We use repo for source pulls. You can check out the repositories one by one, but it's easier to get them all in one shot. Below are the instructions on getting repo and doing a checkout. I assume your running Linux, I don't think their are other choices. If your a developer follow these instructions here.

You must have curl installed to use the instructions below, if your on Ubuntu do:

sudo apt-get install curl

You can optionally use wget instead of curl.

  1. Open up a bash shell
  2. Execute the commands below.
mkdir ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
mkdir miniat
cd miniat
repo init -u
repo sync


Once you have the source, visit the Building page to see how to build!

Having problems

Checkout the Issues
