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0x1-miniat / windows_build_instructions


Once your done with the prerequisite packages, scroll down to the "Starting The Build" section.

  1. Install MinGW. Select the newest folder and the "exe" installer from it.
    1. When you install it, you need to ensure you select the as in this selecting the mingw developer toolkit
  2. Add MinGW bin directories to your path. If you don't know how to set your path, visit here. You also need to ensure that you have msys-get in your path too. If you took the default install it will be something similair to this:
    setting your path to include mingw
    1. C:\MinGW\bin
    2. C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin
  3. Now we need to get python and scons. At the time of this writing, I would recommend the newest version of Python 2.7 found here. At the time of this writing it was python 2.7.3.
  4. Once python is installed we will also need to add it to the path as well. This will be similar to the steps performed above for MinGW. Instead you will add the path to Python.
    Adding python to your path
  5. Now we need to install scons. Scons is the build system used by the Miniat. Scons can be found at and they have great documentation here, including instillation instructions. I will provide a synopsis here as well.
    1. Download the scons windows installer from their downloads section and install scons.
    2. Add scons to your path. The default is to install it in the Scripts directory in your Python installation. On my machine it was C:\Python27\Scripts.
      Adding scons to your PATH
    3. Lastly you need pyreadline as well, you can obttain it from
  6. Now you need to get the miniat source to build. Windows cannot use getting the source and must use prepackaged zip files on the Downloads page
    1. unpack it to a directory called miniat
  7. To start the build you need to open a shell. Go to start --> run and type "cmd" (without the quotes).
  8. change directory to where you miniat source code was extracted to. cd to your miniat directory
  9. Start scons
    Starting scons
    On a successful build you will see "scons: done building targets."
    Successful build of scons

