mvnvm requires bash 4

Issue #2 resolved
mjensenbitbucket-bot repo owner created an issue

If you run mvnvm with bash 3 it will not work, the arguments will not be passed through to the mvn call.

You should install bash 4+.

Comments (6)

  1. Charles Miller [Atlassian] (closed)

    Could you write a script that will dynamically install whatever version of bash that a shell script will require?

  2. mjensenbitbucket-bot reporter

    I was declaring an array as a normal variable. In bash 4 this created an empty array when i started using it as an array layer, in bash 3, this created an array of a single (empty) element, causing the problem.

    Declaring the variable correctly as an array means it behaves the same with bash 3 and bash 4.

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