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sig / FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

SIG was developed over several years according to the needs of a number of projects it has supported in different platforms. It provides an integrated framework that is efficient and very flexible.

Why not update SIG to use std templates?

Besides the restructuring that would be needed, too much code bloat would be included. For example, when just the header files of ostream, istream, and vector are included in gs.h the compilation time of SIG more than doubles. Also, it is difficult to customize these classes to a variety of specific needs. For example arrays adopting memory from other arrays, input with built-in parsing utilities, redirection to/from generic functions, etc. For these reasons, SIG will remain independent of std templates.

My project is not compiling, what could be wrong?

First of all, make sure the same Visual Studio configurations are being compiled for the libraries and for your program. For example, select configuration "Release" everywhere, or configuration "Debug" everywhere, or configuration "ReleaseDLL" everywhere. Also choose either 32 or 64 bits as platform. (If you are in doubt what to choose pick "x86" for 32 bits compilation.) If you are starting from sigapp, also make sure that SIG and your project are under the same folder.

Will the included projects work if I use a different version of Visual Studio?

In most cases yes. It may help to edit the project files and change version numbers to match your version of Visual Studio, and many times you will need to retarget the projects to the Microsoft SDK version that you are trying to use.

Mouse events are not matching with the graphics output, what could be wrong?

Before anything else, make sure the drivers of your graphics card are up to date. SIG needs OpenGL 4 support and drivers fully up to date. Shaders have been set to require version 3.3.
