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5eShaped / Hiding Macro info from players using custom CSS

Sometimes you may want to hide certain parts of a macro from your players but still view it yourself from the chat macro. The sheet supports this through the use of custom CSS and using the sheet settings or using the hide options in custom macros.

Note: This system works on a honor system meaning that you expect your players not to set up the same custom css.

When a section is checked, that section will not appear in the chat macros for that character. This means if hide damage is checked, then damage rolls will not appear on the chat macro by default.


You can also hide the same sections in custom macros using the “hide_SECTION” fields from the roll template. See Roll Template for more info.

Now that the parts are hidden in the macro, you now need to setup a way for you to see the hidden info while others cannot. To do this we need to use custom CSS for the game. The following example will use Stylus and Chrome to input the custom CSS.


  1. Install Stylus to Chrome which gives us a Stylus icon in the top right.
  2. With the game open click the Stylus icon and add a new style
  3. Input the custom CSS so that the new style looks like the following.

Custom CSS

.sheet-rolltemplate-5eDefault .sheet-gm-info-block {
    display: block !important;
.sheet-rolltemplate-5eDefault .sheet-gm-info-inline-block {
    display: inline-block !important;
.sheet-rolltemplate-5eDefault .sheet-gm-info-flex {
    display: flex !important;


Now when using macros with hidden sections, you should see those sections with a yellow background.


If we hide the content of a Wight’s life drain, the players will see the output on the left while you will see the output on the right.

life drain pc.jpg life drain.jpg
