Cannot launch ADB

Issue #45 resolved
Mikhail Lopatkin repo owner created an issue

Precondition: adb should not be on the PATH and adb.executable is not specified in the properties

Start the tool in adb mode

Expected result: show dialog describing that adb is not available and suggest to setup it.

Actual result: nothing happened except the warning in the logs

{{{ 2011-09-11 05:39:51,935 [main] WARN DDMLIB - adb: Failed to get the adb version: Cannot run program "abd": CreateProcess error=2, Íå óäàåòñÿ íàéòè óêàçàííûé ôàéë }}}

Note about implementation: The notification dialog should allow disabling it in the future - suppose that the user doesn't have android SDK installed but trying to read some log files?

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