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MNF_Example / MNF Basic Guide (TCP) / 4. Running the server and client

Now let's test Basic_1_Server, Basic_1_Client. To run the test, you need to run two apps, one for the server and the other for the client.

스크린샷 2017-09-04 오전 9.42.25.png

Once the build is complete, run one of the built apps and one of them in Unity. In Unity, the server and the built app are run as clients. The important thing here is that you must first run the server and then run the client.

Here are the results of sending a message after running two apps.

스크린샷 2017-09-04 오전 9.45.21.png

스크린샷 2017-09-04 오전 9.45.15.png

I am now finished with the guide to creating servers and clients with MNF. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
