
Clone wiki / location-reporting-api

Location Reporting API

Quick Reference

All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed via the domain (ask to your Madvertise contact).

Request Format

For POST requests, the request body must be JSON, with the Content-Type header set to application/json.

Response format

The response format for all requests is a JSON object.

Whether a request succeeded is indicated by the HTTP status code. A 2xx status code indicates success, whereas a 4xx status code indicates failure.

Helpful Tools

|json_reformat formats your output nicely without reordering the fields.

POST /auth-reporting : Authentication Service

see auth-reporting

breakdowns list

Optionally, use one of the following options in the breakdowns param to specify which metric.

breakdown comment Default?
DAILY Provides a breakdown by day (can't be combined with HOURLY, RANGE and DAILY) No
MONTHLY Provides a breakdown by Month (can't be combined with HOURLY, RANGE and DAILY) No
RANGE Provides a breakdown according since and until dates (can't be combined with HOURLY, MONTHLY and DAILY) No
PUBLISHER Provides a breakdown by Publisher No
APP Provides a breakdown by App No
APPCOUNTRY Provides a breakdown by country (FR, IT, DE), not end-user country but country of Madvertise Office
OS Provides a breakdown by mobile OS
SDKVERSION version of MadvertiseLocation SDK
ACCURACY Average Accuracy of locations

POST /location-reporting : Location Reporting Service

Use the token returned by auth-reporting service when making calls to


Parameter name Required? Format Description
since Yes unix timestamp e.g 1417392000
until Yes unix timestamp e.g 1420070399
timezone no timezone name [TZ database name] e.g Europe/Paris
breakdowns No array of string see [breakdowns-list section], e.g breakdowns[0]=DAILY&breakdowns[1]=APP
publisherId no array of publishers IDs For admin only Filter reporting on specific publishers e.g publisherId[0]=1&publisherId[1]=2
appId no array of apps IDs Filter reporting on specific apps e.g appId[0]=1&appId[1]=2
platformId no array of platformIds platformId[0]=1 //ios, platformId[0]=2 //Android
appCountry no (FR, IT, DE), not end-user country but country of Madvertise Office
sdkVersion no array of platformIds sdkVersion[0]=v1.0, sdkVersion[0]=v2.0



  "data": [
      "publisher": "FR_DEMO",
      "appName": "FR_DEMO_Location_Android",
      "date": "2018-12-18",
      "uniqueUser": 1,
      "count": 3,
      "countPerDevice": 3
  "summary": {
    "since": "2018-12-17T16:56:00+0100",
    "until": "2018-12-19T16:56:28+0100",
    "breakdowns": [
    "timezone": "Europe\/Paris"



curl -H 'Authorization: a70548ba92b4fbb581bda9bf2de1911c26f1a0a4' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-X POST  "" \
# -X POST  "" \
--data 'output=direct' \
--data 'timezone=Europe/Paris' \
--data 'metrics=count,uniqueUser' \
--data 'breakdowns[0]=DAILY' \
--data 'breakdowns[1]=PUBLISHER' \
--data 'breakdowns[2]=APP' \
--data 'since=1545062160' \
--data 'until=1545234988'



    "response": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "message": "Unknown token, use auth service before"
