
Clone wiki / mngads rich media

mngads rich media - VAST url

macro available on html riche media

Macro Description
mngads:click our click url
mngads:clickencode our click url with urlencoded format
mngads:clickid unique ID by request (used for all events)
mngads:deviceid Id(s) of the device / user. iOS or Google Advertising ID
mngads:userlat The Users Geo-Location (latitude in degrees WGS84).
mngads:userlon The Users Geo-Location (longitude in degrees WGS84).
mngads:adid Creative ID (identifier for your banner id associated to the click id)
mngads:locale language code used on phone (e.g fr)
mngads:os OS of user
mngads:osVersion version of OS e.g 9.1
mngads:bundleId packageName for android and ituneId for IOS
mngads:storeUrl The store URL of the App
mngads:randomid a random id
mngads:donottrack Possible values are "0" or "1". If the of value is "1", the user does not want to be tracked (opt out).
mngads:publisherid publisher id (internal Madvertise appllication Id)
mngads:appname publisher Application Name (internal Madvertise appllication Name)
mngadspattern:key Use the pattern match macro to pass one or more custom variables such as a targeting value into a creative. You can use this macro to pass key-values. This can be helpful if you want to serve different creatives based on information you know about a user, such as a user's content preferences.
mngads:devicegrp Valid literal values for phone (PHN), tablet (TAB)
mngads:useragent Device User-agent
mngads:ip DEVICE IP (IP address of the device)
mngads:adspacewidth width in px of adspace
mngads:adspaceheight height in px of adspace
mngads:gdprscope false: not in GDPR scope or true: in GDPR scope
mngads:gdprformat IAB
mngads:gdprconsentstring multiple consent strings to keep options open for non-IAB consent strings
