
Clone wiki / publisher-mediation-setup

Publisher Mediation Setup Options

Madvertise provides several options to monetize your applications. BlueStack-SDK can be used as primary SDK or secondary SDK in mediation context or App Bidding context.

1. Bluestack Full Stack As Primary SDK

Use our BlueStack-SDK Mediation as primary SDK. We manage In-App-Bidding stack with Mediation backfill (Google, Facebook, SmartAdserver, ...).

Capture d’écran 2021-05-21 à 08.59.56.png

iOS Andrdoid
iOS Overview Android Overview

2. As Secondary SDK

2.1 Google Mobile Ads Adapter (mediation context)

BlueStack-SDK can be mediated through Google Mobile Ads SDK (acting as primary SDK) by using the following adapters. You must configure Yield Partner (Ad server setup) and custom events (Application / SDK setup).

iOS Andrdoid
iOS Google Mobile Ads Adapter Android Google Mobile Ads Adapter

2.2 Line Item Setup in Google Ad Manager (App Bidding context)

BlueStack App Bidding solution work with high density price granularity line item setup. You will need to create the first line item as a base template, and duplicate the line item for all other price granularity.

2.3 Mopub Adapter

iOS Andrdoid
iOS Mopub Adapter Android Mopub Adapter

3. Server Side Integration

We can provide openRTB API or an adapter is available for Prebid-Server.

OpenRTB bidRequest API
Prebid Server Adapter
