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MobileCoach demonstration / React_native_on_Windows

Setting up

  1. Disable real-time scanning in Windows defender or Antivirus.
  2. Open Android studio as an administrator. In the configure button choose AVD manager, press green arrow to start the simulator. Please wait till the simulator starts.
  3. Open two command prompts as administrator. In both command prompts, run, cd C:\Users\janni\Desktop\dymand-mobilecoach-client

Run the App

  1. In the first command prompt run react-native start.
  2. In the second one, run npm cache clean -f
  3. Again in the second one, run react-native run-android
  4. Troubleshooting: If there is (are) error(s) shown in the command prompt(s), then press CTRL+C and 'Y' to stop the running program. After that, repeat steps 1 and 3 in the respective prompts. Please don't repeat 2.


  1. Access the server via
  2. A user can be an Admin or an Intervention author. An intervention author cannot create an intervention, but he/she can be given access to an existing one through the "Access" tab. It can be found next to "Microdialog" tab. Please note that Access tab is different from "Access Control" button.
