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mobilecoach-documentation / Configure-push-notifications

Configure push notifications

General Requirements

Configuration Android

1. Create an Firebase Project

  • Go to Firebase Console
  • Create a new Firebase project (name isn't that important)
  • "Set up Google Analytics for my project" has to be selected
  • Select "Default Account for Firebase".

2. Add Android app

  • Add Android-App to the Firebase project (Android icon in the overview)
  • Fill in the previously new defined app-identifier
  • Download the new google-services.json file.
  • Replace the old google-services.json file with the new one (Path: android/app/google-services.json)

3. Modify Client Config Files

  • First go to the "Settings" -> "Cloud Messaging" in Firebase.
  • There you have a legacy server key (server) and sender-id (client).
  • Open the App Config file (Path: App/Config/AppConfig.js) in an editor.
automaticallyRequestPushPermissions: false, // change it to true
androidSenderId: '1234567890', // put in here the sender-id

4. Modify Server Config Files

  • Connect to the server
  • Open the Server Config file (Path: mobilecoach-server/mc_global/mc_data/ in vim (editor)
cd mc_global/mc_data
sudo vim
  • Then you have to press "a" to activate write mode.
  • Change the variables as following.
# Change it to "true"
pushNotificationsActive = false
# Change it to "true"
pushNotificationsAndroidActive = false
# Has to be false (Encrypted has a incident at the moment)
pushNotificationsAndroidEncrypted = false
# Change the Key (Insert here the created legacy server key from Firebase)
pushNotificationsAndroidAuthKey = 123456789ABC
  • Press "Esc" and write :wq! to save the config file.
  • Go back to mobilecoach-server folder and restart docker.
cd /opt/mobilecoach-server
sudo docker-compose restart

Configuration iOS


  • Apple Developer Account (the paid one)
  • Installed KeyChain Access (or similar one)

1. Creating a Certificate Signing Request

  • Open your KeyChain Access tool (or similar one)
  • Main Menu -> Certificate Assistent -> Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority
  • Enter your Certificate Information (eMail), check Saved to desk and save the file.

2. Creating Certificate

  • Log in to your Apple Developer account.
  • Go to Overview -> Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
  • Go to the Identifiers and select your project identifier (e.g. ch.ethz.cdhi.mobilecoach).
  • Scroll down to Push Notificaton, check it if it's unchecked. Click Configure.
  • Click Create Development SSL Certificate.
  • Choose the file you created in the first step.
  • Download the Certificate.
  • Add the Certificate to KeyChain Acces with a double-click. Now it should be in your KeyChain application.
  • Right-click on the new Certificate and choose Export.
  • Give it a name and click save. It should a file with the .p12 ending.
  • You have to type in a password. (Note: Remember it ;-))
  • Export it.

3. Transfer the certificate to the server

  • It's a bit tricky, because you often can't directly move it to the correct folder (Permissions). First try the following command.

For example:

scp -rp /Users/sgfeller/Documents/Certificats-workshop-test
* If you get "Permission denied" you have to move the Ceritifacte first into your personal folder. Here an example:

scp -rp /Users/sgfeller/Documents/Certificates-workshop-test.p12
  • You have to connect to the server and move the file now in the MC_Data folder. Here an example.
sudo mv Certificates-workshop-test.p12 /opt/mobilecoach-server-backup/mc_global/mc_data/

4. Change server config file and restart docker container

  • Connect to the server
  • Open the Server Config file (Path: mobilecoach-server/mc_global/mc_data/ in vim (editor)
cd mc_global/mc_data
sudo vim
  • Change the following variables. (Activate Write-Mode with pressing a)
# Change it to "true"
pushNotificationsActive = false 
# Change it to "true"
pushNotificationsIOSActive = false
# Has to be false (Encrypted has a incident at the moment)
pushNotificationsIOSEncrypted = false
# Change it to your app identifier
pushNotificationsIOSAppIdentifier = com.mycompany.myapp
# Change the Certificate name
pushNotificationsIOSCertificateFile = /mc_data/push-http2.p12
# Change it to the password for the certificate (Step 2)
pushNotificationsIOSCertificatePassword = abc123topsecret 
  • Save the file and go to the project folder. (mobilecoach-server)
  • Restart the docker containers.
cd /opt/mobilecoach-server
sudo docker-compose restart
