Copy to Clipboard

Issue #18 resolved
Remco Janssen created an issue

Implement system independent copy-to-clipboard:

function getSystemInfo() {
  var info = $.os + " AE " + app.version + "/" + app.isoLanguage;
  return info;

if (!isWin()) {
  system.callSystem('echo "' + getSystemInfo() + '" | pbcopy');
} else {
  // shout out to Zlovatt!
  var cmdString = 'cmd.exe /c cmd.exe /c "echo ' + myString + ' | clip"';

Comments (8)

  1. Rune Gangsø


    What about getting the clipboard too? On MacOS it's system.callSystem("pbpaste"). Can you get the windows version?

    also, is getSystemInfo something that should be added too?

  2. Remco Janssen reporter

    Yeah, sorry for the sloppy request. I think getSystemInfo is helpful too. And it makes sense to be able to copy and paste.

    The joke is that Windows doesn't have a paste command. Unless you use a third party script called paste.exe And it doesn't seem you can use clip either.

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