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aequery / misc / file


aeq.readFile(string) aeq.readFile(File)

  • Description:
    • Opens a file and returns its contents. If the file does not exist it returns null.
  • Parameters:
    • filepath: String/File object. The path to the file to read, or the File object to read.
  • Returns:
    • A string with the contents with the file.

aeq.writeFile(filepath, contents)

aeq.writeFile(string, string) aeq.writeFile(File, string)

  • Description:
    • Opens a file and write contents to it. It also creates folders if they do not exists. If the file exists, the contents of the file gets overwritten.
  • Parameters:
    • filepath: String/File object. The path to the file to read, or the File object to write to.
    • contents: String. The contents to write to file.
  • Returns:
    • true if the write was successful, false otherwise.
