
Clone wiki

aequery / misc / valueInObject

aeq.valueInObject(value, obj)

aeq.valueInObject(any, object)

  • Description:
    • Searches an object for the given value and returns the key of the property, or undefined if not found.
  • Parameters:
    • value: The value to find.
    • obj: Object. The object to search.
  • Returns:
    • String or undefined.



  • Description:
    • Returns the propertyType of the given Property Object.
  • Parameters:
    • property: Property object.
  • Returns:
    • String. One of:
      • PROPERTY: A single property such as position or zoom.
      • INDEXED_GROUP: A property group whose members have an editable name and an index. Effects and masks are indexed groups. For example, the masks property of a layer refers to a variable number of individual masks by index number.
      • NAMED_GROUP: A property group in which the member names are not editable. Layers are named groups.
