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aequery / ui / container


new aeq.ui.Container(obj)

aeq.ui.Container makes it easier to create controls for groups and panels.




Description: - Gets the original group or panel object.



Description - Set options on the panel / group Parameters: - options: Object with options. Example:

    alignment: ["fill", "fill"],
    orientation: "column",
    spacing: 0,
    margins: 0

addButton(text[, onClick, properties])

addButton(String[, function, object]) addButton(object)

Description - Creates a button Parameters: - text: The text inside the button - onClick: The function that gets called when clicking the button - properties: Object with creation properties for the button. or - options: Object with settings for the button. Returns: - ScriptUI button Example:

var clicked = function() {

grp.addButton("Click Me!", clicked, {name: "Button"});

    text: "Click Me!",
    onClick: clicked,
    properties: {
        name: "Button"

    // You can also add other properties when using this style
    alignment: ["right", "top" ]

addCheckbox(text[, onClick, properties])

addCheckbox(String[, function, object]) addCheckbox(object)

Description - Creates a checkbox Parameters: - text: The text beside the checkbox - onClick: The function that gets called when clicking the checkbox - properties: Object with creation properties for the button. or - options: Object with settings for the checkbox. Returns: - ScriptUI checkbox

addDropdownList(items[, onChange, properties])

addDropdownList(Array[, function, object]) addDropdownList(object)

Description - Creates a dropdownList Parameters: - items: The items inside the list - onChange: The function that gets called when changing the value of the dropdownList - properties: Object with creation properties for the list. or - options: Object with settings for the dropdownList. Returns: - ScriptUI dropdownList

addEditText(text[, onChange, onChanging, properties])

addEditText(String[, function, function, object]) addEditText(object)

Description - Creates an editText Parameters: - text: The text inside the edittext field. - onChange: The function that gets called when the value has changed - onChanging: The function that gets called when changing the value - properties: Object with creation properties for the field. or - options: Object with settings for the editText. Returns: - ScriptUI editText



Description - Creates a new group Parameters: - options: Object with settings for the group (alignment, orientation etc.). Returns: - aeq.Container

addIconButton(icon[, onClick, properties])

addIconButton(String/File/ScriptUIImage[, function, object]) addIconButton(object)

Description - Creates an IconButton Parameters: - icon: The icon to use for the button. One of: - String with path to image file. - File object that points to the image file. - ScriptUIImage object with image data. - onClick: The function that gets called when the button is clicked - properties: Object with creation properties for the button. or - options: Object with settings for the IconButton. Returns: - ScriptUI IconButton

addListbox(items[, onChange, onDoubleClick, properties])

addListbox(Array[, function, function, object]) addListbox(object)

Description - Creates a listBox Parameters: - items: The items inside the list - onChange: The function that gets called when changing the value of the listBox - onDoubleClick: The function that gets called when doubleclicking an item in the list. - properties: Object with creation properties for the listbox. or - options: Object with settings for the listbox. Returns: - ScriptUI listBox

addPanel(text, [properties])

addPanel(String, [object]) addPanel(object)

Description - Creates a new panel group Parameters: - text: The text that is shown around the border of the panel - properties: Creation properties for the panel. or - options: Object with settings for the panel group (alignment, orientation etc.). Returns: - aeq.Container

addProgressbar(value, maxValue)

addProgressbar(Float, Float)

Description - Creates a progressbar Parameters: - value: The start value of the progressbar - maxValue: The max value of the progressbar Returns: - ScriptUI progressbar

addRadioButton(text[, onClick, properties])

addRadioButton(String[, function, object]) addRadioButton(object)

Description - Creates a RadioButton Parameters: - text: The text beside the RadioButton - onClick: The function that gets called when clicking the RadioButton - properties: Object with creation properties for the RadioButton. or - options: Object with settings for the RadioButton. Returns: - ScriptUI RadioButton

addScrollbar(value, maxValue, onChange, onChanging)

addScrollbar(Float, Float, Function, Function)

Description - Creates a scrollbar Parameters: - value: The start value of the scrollbar - maxValue: The max value of the scrollbar - onChange: The function to call when the scrollbar is done changing. - onChanging: The function getting called when the scrollbar is adjusted. Returns: - ScriptUI scrollbar

addSlider(value, minValue, maxValue, onChange, onChanging)

addSlider(Float, Float, Float, Function, Function)

Description - Creates a slider Parameters: - value: The start value of the slider - minValue: The minimum value of the slider - maxValue: The max value of the slider - onChange: The function to call when the slider is done changing. - onChanging: The function getting called when the slider is adjusted. Returns: - ScriptUI slider

addStatictext(text, properties)

addStatictext(String, Object) addStatictext(Object)

Description - Creates a Statictext Parameters: - text: The text that is shown - properties: Object with creation properties for the Statictext or - options: Object with settings for the Statictext. Returns: - ScriptUI Statictext



Description - Creates a tab in a TabbedPanel Parameters: - text: The text that is shown Returns: - aeq.Container



Description - Creates a new TabbedPanel Parameters: - None. Returns: - aeq.Container

addTreeview(items[, onChange, onDoubleClick, properties])

addTreeview(Array[, function, function, object]) addTreeview(object)

Description - Creates a treeview Parameters: - items: The items inside the list - onChange: The function that gets called when changing the value of the treeview - properties: Object with creation properties for the treeview. or - options: Object with settings for the treeview. Returns: - ScriptUI treeview



Description - Calls the containers layoutManagers layout and resize methods. Parameters: - None. Returns: - Nothing


remove(ScriptUI object) remove(aeq.Container object)

Description - Removes the given object from the container Parameters: - None. Returns: - Nothing

Setter / Getter Methods

These methods gets or sets the coresponding property on the container object. When no arguments are given, the methods returns the current value. When arguments are given it sets the value.

The following can only be set using 1 argument - enabled - helpTip - orientation - text - visible

The following can either be set using one argument using an array of 2 elements. Or as 2 arguments. - alignChildren - alignment - location - maximumSize - minimumSize - preferredSize - size

The following can either be set using one argument using an array of 4 elements. Or as 4 arguments. - bounds - margins

Example of 2 arguments

// Using array
grp.alignChildren(["left", "top"]);

// Using arguments
grp.alignChildren("left", "top");

Example of 4 arguments

// Using array
grp.margins([5, 2, 5, 2]);

// Using arguments
grp.margins(5, 2, 5, 2);
