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aequery / ui / main


aeq.ui is a submodule that have functions and objects that make it easier to work with scriptUI.

It has two classes: - aeq.ui.Container: For Panels, groups and TabbedPanels, has methods for adding controls. - aeq.ui.Window: subClass of aeq.ui.Container, has methods for controling the window / panel.

aeq.ui functions

createMainWindow(title[, options])

aeq.ui.createMainWindow(string[, object])

Description: - Creates a new main window, a Panel if called from the Window menu, or a window if not. Parameters: - title: The title to use for the window. Is not visible in panels. - options: An object with options to pass to the creation of the window. Is not used when creating a panel. The default is: { resizeable : true } Returns: - aeq.ui.Window

createWindow(title[, options])

aeq.ui.createMainWindow(string[, object])

Description: - Creates a new main window. Parameters: - title: The title to use for the window. - options: An object with options to pass to the creation of the window. The default is: { resizeable : true } Returns: - aeq.ui.Window

set(obj, options)

aeq.ui.set(ScriptUI object, object)

Description: - Sets properties on ScriptUi Objects. Parameters: - obj: The object to set options on. - options: The options to set. Returns: - Nothing.
