
Clone wiki

remoteapps-plugin / Future Integration Points




The following integration points do not yet exist in JIRA, yet...

Mail Handlers

As yet Mail handlers are not 'pluggable' must be deployed to WEB-INF/lib and also require physical file changes to be used. A 'mail handler' integration point, would allow for remoted processing of mails, removing the (currently mandatory) need for plugins1 JAR install, and enabling OnDemand users to have more flexible mail processing.

Implementation Challenges
  1. High network loading due to encoded attachments transfer and possible return traffic
  2. As configuration is all remoted so ability to configure from JIRA (remotely) is mandatory
  3. Dependency on remoted JIRA API to be sufficiently fleshed out

Mail Notifications

There is an existing default Issue Event Listener which drives email notifications. This is not pluggable, heck, it can't even be disabled through the UI. A pluggable, remoted Issue Event listener that can take the place of the default allows flexibility for users to receive notifications how they want, over and above according to Notification Schemes.
