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FEMilaro - a Finite Element toolbox

FEMilaro is a flexible environment to implement, test and use new finite element formulations. In practice, this means that the grid and the finite element basis are defined in order to simplify dealing with continuous, discontinuous, mixed and hybrid formulations.

To help going developing incrementally the code, the grid and the finite element basis, as well as all the executables, are parametrized in the space dimension, so that development (and debugging!) can start in 1D and scale up to the 3D case.

For the pre- and post-processing, a collection of octave and python scripts is provided.

All the code is distributed under GNU GPL v3.

Note: this poject is a continuation of .


Here is a (incomplete) list of people contributing to the project:

Available executables

The toolbox currently includes the following codes:


A note about the Makefiles

To compile the programs, one uses the main Makefile placed in the FEMilaro root folder. A list of the available targets can be seen by typing

make list
Sometimes, some targets could be broken; a list of the working targets is contained in the target presently_working, so typing
is the same as
make presently_working
Of course, the simplest option is to make only the target one is interested in, such as
make dg-comp
and all the dependencies should be taken care of properly.


  • Select the working precision in mod_kinds.f90 by uncommenting the corresponding definition of wp. Due to some limitations in current MPI libraries, some changes could be required also in mod_mpi_utils.f90 to set wp_mpi (this will hopefully be solved in the future).

  • In the folder there are some configuration makefiles. One can either customize one of them, or create a new one using these as example. The important point is then creating a link in the root directory called to the chosen file, such as ->
  • The examples in include a Configuration section: this is the only part that should require changes. Essentially, one is required to set:

    1. the compiler
    2. the compiler flags (debug vs. optimization)
    3. whether to use OpenMP
    4. whether to use UMFPACK / MUMPS / PaStiX / MaPHyS etc. (notice that if none of these is used, then the only option to solve linear system in the basic GMRES implementation included in the library)
  • Set in the required compiler and linker flags for the used external libraries.


At this point, you should be able to type make XXX and get the corresponding executable. Object and library files will be placed in ./build, while the executables will be in ./bin.

Unit tests (experimental)

The ./test folder contains some unit tests which rely on the pFunit testing harnesses.

Test modules are named after the tested ones, and the structure of the ./test folder mimics the one of the ./src one.

To compile and run the tests:

  1. the path to the pFunit include and module files must be set in the ./test/Makefile (this will be improved at a certain point)

  2. to build/run/delete the unit tests use

    make tests-build
    make tests-run
    make tests-clean

Single test modules can be also built and run independently.
