Ctrl+Backspace doesn't work on graphical hits

Issue #127 resolved
jsbien created an issue

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QAction::eventFilter: Ambiguous shortcut overload: Ctrl+Backspace

Comments (6)

  1. jsbien reporter
    • changed status to open

    Ctrl+Backspace stopped working for textual hits. Moreover, when switched back to graphocal panel, the shortcut is no longer working.

    On the other hand Ctrl+Backspace on graphical hits causes renumbering the hits, contrary to the correct behaviour of deleting hits in other panels.

  2. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    I cannot reproduce neither of these. Can you describe what happens if you search for "broda" and press Ctrl+Backspace while 7th hit is selected (first for text, then for graphical list).

    Here both remove item 7, leaving items 6 and 8 (no renumbering).

  3. jsbien reporter

    Looks like I pressed wrong key, perhaps Enter instead of Backspace.

    Perhaps ncidentally I pressed also Enter which gace an impression of renumerating hits.

    My apology.

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