Occasionally wrong page is displayed

Issue #136 resolved
jsbien created an issue

The problem is not reproducible, but happens relatively often, roughly once for session. Sometimes the correct page is displayed but the hidden text is pasted from another page.

Today the problem occured twice for different hits of the query z..t.w. meta source = cbdu in 2-d IMPACT corpus.

A more verbose log is probably necessary to trace down the problem.

Comments (10)

  1. jsbien reporter

    Related problem, also not reproducible: the same query, clicking on the 5th hit displays a wrong page in the main panel.

  2. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Recreate displayed DjVu document every time URL changes. Closes #136. Apparently, QDjVuDocument doesn't display new URL correctly if there is already one loaded.

    → <<cset 35d70ca26bd8>>

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