Handle empty or illegal URL in the index entries

Issue #169 closed
jsbien created an issue

In the index to Linde's dictionary there is almost 20 000 entries with a placeholder '_' instead of an URL. When I select such an entry I would like to mark a region and update the entry. However at the moment an attempt to display an incorrect URL simply blocks the right panel, it requires refreshing by displaying something sensible.

On the other hand it would be nice to use the color again, but this time to mark the entries with an empty URL field (I would remove the placeholders for this purpose).

The priority of the issue depends on the difficulty to implement it, but is rather high.

Comments (6)

  1. jsbien reporter

    What about making a beep when the URL is empty? Seems to be the question of one conditional instruction :-)

  2. jsbien reporter

    I think now that marking empty URLs with color on the index list and a reasonable reaction for an attempt to display is a must.

  3. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Change handling of illegal or empty URL in index. Closes #169. New behaviour: * application doesn't try to show illegal URLs * entries with no valid URL are greyed * double clicking on an entry with no valid URL opens entry dialog * if Ctrl is pressed while double-clicking, entry dialog is opened instead of showing URL.

    → <<cset e278b6d0d38f>>

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