Export the current entry as a separate index

Issue #293 closed
jsbien created an issue

Would be useful for taking notes. One more position in the pop-up menu? The default index name may be somehow derives from the entry text.

Comments (11)

  1. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Copying a single entry to a file seems an overkill. Maybe Copy as line? This way, it can be pasted into any editor. We can use current separator or Tab if we prefer to paste it into a spreadsheet.

  2. jsbien reporter

    First, I don't mean an existing entry but an entry just created and not yet added to the index. Secondly, it's not an overkill. Let's assume I'm working on the names of dogs (quite a lot of them in the dictionary...) and notice an interesting entry of another kind, which I want to note separately. According to your proposal I have to open an editor, create a file, do cut and paste and save the file. It is quite distracting from the primary job.

  3. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    I am not sure what is your solution. Have one more button next to OK for new Index, when it is pressed, select destination file, save a single entry and close the dialog?

    I thought my solution was more flexible - it is enough to have an editor open and just do a single copy/paste, mere 4 shortcuts. And it works for existing entries as well.

  4. jsbien reporter

    My original idea is to add yet another option to the pop-up menu, e.g. "Zapamiętaj/zapisz hasło" after "Dodaj hasło", "Uaktualnij hasło". After selecting it select the destination file (some default name, e.g. "entries.csv" highly desirable), save the entry and close the dialog; if the file already exists, just append the new entry without asking.

    What about implementing both solutions? An occasional user doesn't know or remembers the shortcuts. Are really only 4 needed?

  5. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    You will be asked by OS to confirm overwriting. The file will appended, not overwritten, but I can’t override OS message.

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