Configurable welcome screen

Issue #69 resolved
jsbien created an issue

A DjVu document optionally specified in preferences should be displayed in the main panel when the program starts.

Comments (13)

  1. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Does it really make sense? The program immediately connects to the server and displays information about current corpus. Where DjVu document can be displayed?

  2. jsbien reporter

    But what is the current corpus when used for the first time? Cf. # 81.

    The document should be displayed (optionally!) in the main panel. It can contain information e.g. about the program and available servers.

  3. jsbien reporter

    But at least for testing purpose there should be a way to display it in any moment e.g. using menu Help -> Welcome screen.

  4. jsbien reporter

    I don't think so. The default welcome document should be provided somewhere in the package - e.g in source/i18n/welcome/{pl, en}.djvu. A local adminsitrator or user should be able to override it by another document.

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