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mswl-bitbucket-alm-tools / 004-technical-services-provided-to-developers

Technical services provided to developers by Atlassian

Bitbucket provides an environment for developers to host, manage and distribute the project.

Source Code Management (SCM)

Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS) in Bitbucket. Using Git and Mercurial Hosting For Teams.

Private and Public

  • Private repositories are accessible for a limit of five users.
  • Public repositories for everyone.

Price 10 users, $10/mo Unlimited Private repositories users.


Online project documentation.

  • New repository associated to the project to host wiki.
  • Develop documentation using Markdown, Creole, Textile or reStructuredTex syntax and Pygments library for code samples.

Example of some Python code


def wiki_rocks(text):
    formatter = lambda t: "funky"+t
    return formatter(text)


Bitbucket uses Issue tracking System for each project you host there. It's a basic JIRA.

Furthermore Atlassian offers the possibility of hiring JIRA for a project. And connect with all JIRA advantages.

Price 10 users, $10/mo


Bitbucket provides a downloading system for your proyect:

  • Add manually your tar, zip, 7p project files.
  • Generate using a tag.
  • Retrieve content from a branch.

Continuous integration


Bonfire Deliver Quality Working Software and Rapid Testing. Bonfire gives you the easiest way to create JIRA issues using browser plugin, templates, and reserverd words, dynamic information.

It's connected to JIRA and use Explorator testing. Create test sessions through JIRA connected to the applycation test. Records the test and can be replicated by everyone. Every activity registered appears automatically recorded in JIRA related issue.

Price 10 users, $10/mo


Bamboo Continuous Integration and Release Management. Control every movement in your repository to check commits, test, deployments, integration branches. Everything can be scheduled.

Price 1 agent 10 jobs$10/mo

Management tools


GreenHopper Go Agile With Ease. Agile Development methodologies to apply for the project. One step beyond tracking systems.

Gives an easy way to start team collaboration, manage Agile methodologies and great traceability.

Price 10 users, $10/mo


Gliffy is a tool to create flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings and more. Gliffy works directly in the browser.

Price 10 users, $10/mo



Confluence Bring Teams Together, Online. Built for Technical Writing & Documentation. Team collaborative Documents and Enterprise Wiki.

Team Calendars

Team Calendars - Connect, manage and schedule your team work in this place. Enjoy JIRA interoperability.

SWOT Matrix


  • Atlassian doesn't provide mailing list for project hosting. You have to work inside their ecosystem.
  • Bitbucket is only a Source code management host by itself.


  • Automatic Continuous Integration service with Jenkins using DVCS hooks.
  • Can be integrated with every Atlassian provided service.


  • Lack of facilities for interoperability with products outside Atlassian ecosystem.


  • Gives a basic place to host your code, manage your issues and develop good documentation.
  • It's easy to learn how to work with it and is an Atlassian product.
  • You can use mercurial or git as your SCM.
