[1.3.9j] Orders inside kyuubi base

Issue #110 resolved
Nicolás Ignacio Gómez Espejo repo owner created an issue

I found a bug while using tele scroll in kyuubi cavern trying to get to base ~! Almost always when using tele scroll inside kyuubi cavern, it is instant teleport without channel time and no cooldown, also tele scroll is not used up. Sometimes I lose the instant-tele power in the cavern, but even if it channels it won't use charge or put the scroll on cooldown, anyhow any idea why it may happen inside kyuubi cavern? I've had my fair share abusing instant tele home running into cave, also instant tele to tower for countergank. lol was fun but not abusing it anymore~ 4ths Legacy also gets cancelled in there when targeting ground (nearby structure), unless you target a specific unit /structure then that works.

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