Illegal instruction running ./test/TestBench on FX8350

Issue #141 resolved
Former user created an issue

Using random seed 556EF32F 16bpp Testing primitives: MMX2 Testing primitives: SSE2 Testing primitives: SSE2Fast Testing primitives: SSE3 Testing primitives: SSSE3 Testing primitives: SSE4 Testing primitives: SSE4.2 Testing primitives: AVX Testing primitives: XOP Testing primitives: FMA4 Testing primitives: FMA3 Testing primitives: LZCNT Testing primitives: BMI2 Illegal instruction

see { "BMI2", X265_CPU_AVX2 | X265_CPU_BMI1 | X265_CPU_BMI2 }, FX8350 has bmi1 but no bmi2 nor avx2. maybe here should use '&' instead of '|' ?

Comments (8)

  1. Deepthi Nandakumar


    Which version of x265 are you using? At the tip, this is what we have:

    { "BMI1",            X265_CPU_BMI1 },
    { "BMI2",            X265_CPU_BMI1 | X265_CPU_BMI2 },

    and I think this is correct.

  2. Deepthi Nandakumar

    version number: 1.6, 1.7 + 76, etc etc.

    This hasnt changed in the last year or so, so I'm mystified how you're seeing BMI2 as AVX2 | BMI1 | BMI2.

  3. Former user Account Deleted


    hg clone

    config with:

    cmake x265/source

    see the line:

    -- x265 version 1.7+96-093618ce0b26

  4. Deepthi Nandakumar

    Ok, just guessing that it's this primitive: x265_scanPosLast_avx2_bmi2. We're investigating and will get back to you.

  5. M CHEN

    Thanks your report, it is a logic bug in our testbench, I fixed and sent the patch, could you try again?

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