--rdpenalty 2 is unsafe with rdLevel 4 and below

Issue #71 closed
Steve Borho created an issue

See valgrind trace of first bad reads, which eventually leads to a crash


If I comment out these two lines of xRecurIntraCodingQt(), the crashes go away:

if (m_param->rdPenalty == 2) bCheckFull = (log2TrSize <= (uint32_t)(X265_MIN(maxTuSize, 4));

For the 1.3 release, I will bypass this logic but we need a more proper long term solution (and the solution could be to remove this HM feature; it's not clear anyone uses it and psy-rd should do a better job of forcing splits for large intra TU)

Comments (7)

  1. Steve Borho reporter

    search: do not skip intra tu 32x32 unless TU intra depth is deep (refs #71)

    This may not be the best workaround for the bug, and needs a proper long term fix.

    → <<cset 203c87c55bb3>>

  2. Selur

    and the solution could be to remove this HM feature; it's not clear anyone uses it

    Probably it's not really clear what it's intension is :) Is it ment to 'trigger' x265 to use inter instead of intra coding or is it ment to promote the use of smaller CTUs. iirc: smaller ctu = faster encoding, better detail preservation, but higher bit rate requirements larger ctu = faster decoding, more detail loss, but less bit rate requirements

    http://x265.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cli.html#cmdoption--rdpenalty only states 'Penalty for 32x32 intra TU in non-I slices. Default 0' which isn't really saying much :)

  3. Steve Borho reporter

    true enough; I'll be digging around in this part of the code in the next week or so. I'll try to improve those docs.

    but at a high level it tries to force TU splits (transform units) not CU splits (coding units). So it has no effect on the prediction size; only the residual transform size.

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