How release tarballs are created

Issue #84 resolved
Brad Smith created an issue

For future releases could you please consider naming the release tarball as x265-X.Y.tar.bz2 (.e.g. x265-1.5.tar.bz2) and have the source within the tarball within a dir of the same naming format (.e.g x265-1.5/)? The tarball without a name on it is kinda ugly and doesn't make it obvious what it is when in a dist files directory with other projects. 1.5.tar.bz2, but 1.5 of what? and the dir within the tarball follows more common naming conventions and makes it easier for various tools / build infrastructure that build packages.

Comments (9)

  1. djcj

    Adding the release version to source/cmake/version.cmake would be great too.

    --- a/source/cmake/version.cmake
    +++ b/source/cmake/version.cmake
    @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
     find_package(Git QUIET) # present in 2.8.8
     # defaults, in case everything below fails
    -set(X265_VERSION "unknown")
    -set(X265_LATEST_TAG "0.0")
    +set(X265_VERSION "1.4")
    +set(X265_LATEST_TAG "1.4")
     set(X265_TAG_DISTANCE "0")
     if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../.hg_archival.txt)
  2. Steve Borho

    We don't make any tarballs available. Our only source release mechanism is this Mercurial repository. We generally only support cloning. Bitbucket does have an automated mechanism for generating tarballs for specific revisions; but we have no control over how that works. If you download one of these tarballs, it should have an .hg-archive.txt file in it describing the revision and tag (if applicable). The cmake script will use the data in this file if it is present. If you are getting tarballs somewhere else, and they don't have this file.. eh, stop getting them that way.

  3. djcj

    There is no .hg-archive.txt file. Only a .hg folder and two textfiles .hgignore and .hgtags.


    You can use these shell scripts to create release tarballs:

    # stable release
    rm -rf x265-source
    hg clone x265-source
    cd x265-source && hg checkout stable
    VERSION=$(hg parents --template '{latesttag}')
    sed -i "s/set(X265_VERSION \"unknown\")/set(X265_VERSION \"${VERSION}\")/;" source/cmake/version.cmake
    sed -i "s/set(X265_LATEST_TAG \"0.0\")/set(X265_LATEST_TAG \"${VERSION}\")/;" source/cmake/version.cmake
    rm -rf .hg .hgignore .hgtags
    cd ..
    mv x265-source x265-${VERSION}
    find x265-${VERSION} -type d -empty -delete
    tar -cJf "x265_${VERSION}.orig.tar.xz" "x265-${VERSION}/"
    # snapshot
    rm -rf x265-source
    hg clone x265-source
    cd x265-source
    LT=$(hg parents --template '{latesttag}')
    LTD=$(hg parents --template '{latesttagdistance}')
    NODE=$(hg parents --template '{node|short}')
    sed -i "s/set(X265_VERSION \"unknown\")/set(X265_VERSION \"${VERSION}\")/;" source/cmake/version.cmake
    sed -i "s/set(X265_LATEST_TAG \"0.0\")/set(X265_LATEST_TAG \"${LT}\")/;" source/cmake/version.cmake
    sed -i "s/set(X265_TAG_DISTANCE \"0\")/set(X265_TAG_DISTANCE \"${LTD}\")/;" source/cmake/version.cmake
    rm -rf .hg .hgignore .hgtags
    cd ..
    mv x265-source x265-${VERSION}
    find x265-${VERSION} -type d -empty -delete
    tar -cJf "x265_${VERSION}.orig.tar.xz" "x265-${VERSION}/"
  4. Steve Borho

    is the attached tar-ball acceptable? it was created by:

    hg archive -r 1.4 -t tgz x265_1.4.tar.gz

    If this is ok, I'll back-fill tar-balls for the previous releases

  5. Steve Borho

    I tested this myself and found a problem; cmake is finding version 1.4 and reporting 1.4, but is still passing the string "unknown" to version.cpp so the binary is not tagged properly. I'll look into this and fix it, but it means the older tags will be similarly broken so this fix will only work with version 1.5 and later

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