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ember2drupal / bash

devel@comp ~ $ [] cd projects/work/

devel@comp ~/projects/work $ [] drush dl drupal
Project drupal (8.2.3) downloaded to /home/devel/projects/work/drupal-8.2.3.                                 [success]
Project drupal contains:                                                                                     [success]
 - 1 profile: standard
 - 14 themes: testing_multilingual_with_english, minimal, testing_config_import, testing_config_overrides,
drupal_system_listing_compatible_test, testing, testing_multilingual, testing_missing_dependencies, stark,
bartik, seven, stable, classy, twig
 - 70 modules: shortcut, hal, entity_reference, content_moderation, contact, book, filter, user,
automated_cron, link, content_translation, simpletest, menu_ui, config_translation, system, block, color,
field_ui, taxonomy, editor, node, block_content, basic_auth, dblog, serialization, breakpoint, quickedit,
search, path, rdf, migrate_drupal_ui, responsive_image, tracker, outside_in, aggregator, ckeditor, action,
update, syslog, datetime_range, forum, migrate, language, file, datetime, text, rest, dynamic_page_cache,
field, contextual, image, views_ui, options, page_cache, menu_link_content, inline_form_errors, ban, toolbar,
help, big_pipe, block_place, history, comment, migrate_drupal, statistics, telephone, locale, config, tour,

devel@comp ~/projects/work $ [] mv drupal-8.2.3/ newproject

devel@comp ~/projects/work $ [] cd newproject/

devel@comp ~/projects/work/ensto $ [] drush site-install --db-url=sqlite://sites/site2.local/files/.ht.sqlite
You are about to create a /home/devel/projects/work/ensto/sites/default/settings.php file and CREATE the 'sites/site2.local/files/.ht.sqlite' database. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while. Consider using the --notify global option.                [ok]
Installation complete.  User name: admin  User password: rAMtTrRfLb                                         [ok]
Congratulations, you installed Drupal!                                                                      [status]

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [] drush upwd admin --password=12345
Changed password for admin                                                                                  [success]

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [] cp example.gitignore .gitignore

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [] git init
Инициализирован пустой репозиторий Git в /home/devel/projects/work/newproject/.git/

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [] git add -A

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [] git commit -m "install drupal8"
[master (корневой коммит) 1ca6d90] install drupal8
 9853 files changed, 1143518 insertions(+)


devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [master] git remote add origin ssh://

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [master] git push -u origin master
Подсчет объектов: 12845, готово.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Сжатие объектов: 100% (11867/11867), готово.
Запись объектов: 100% (12845/12845), 10.99 MiB | 2.66 MiB/s, готово.
Total 12845 (delta 1953), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://
 * [new branch]      master -> master
Ветка master отслеживает внешнюю ветку master из origin.

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [master] mkdir modules/contrib

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [master] drush dl devel
Project devel (8.x-1.0-alpha1) downloaded to /home/devel/projects/work/newproject//modules/contrib/devel.         [success]
Project devel contains 5 modules: devel_node_access, webprofiler, kint, devel_generate, devel.

devel@comp ~/projects/work/newproject $ [master] drupal list
"Drupal Console" version "1.0.0-beta5"

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help             Display this help message
  -q, --quiet            Suppress all output from the command
  -V, --version          Display this application version
      --ansi             Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi          Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction   Do not ask any interactive question
  -e, --env[=ENV]        The Environment name [default: "prod"]
      --root[=ROOT]      Define the Drupal root to be used in command execution
      --no-debug         Switches off debug mode
      --learning         Generate a verbose code output
  -c, --generate-chain   Shows command options and arguments as yaml output to be used in chain command
  -i, --generate-inline  Shows command options and arguments as inline command
  -d, --generate-doc     Shows command options and arguments as markdown
  -t, --target[=TARGET]  Site name you want to interact with (for local or remote sites)
  -l, --uri=URI          URI of the Drupal site to use (for multi-site environments or when running on an alternate port)
  -y, --yes              Skip confirmation and proceed
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose   Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output, and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  _completion                       BASH completion hook.
  about                             Display basic information about Drupal Console project
  cde                               Show the current configuration.
  cdit                              Edit the selected configuration.
  ce                                Export current application configuration.
  cect                              Export a specific content type and their fields.
  ces                               Export single configuration as yml file.
  cev                               Export a view in YAML format inside a provided module to reuse in other website.
  chain                             Chain command execution
  check                             System requirement checker
  ci                                Import configuration to current application.
  cis                               Import the selected configuration.
  co                                Override config value in active configuration.
  cod                               Displays current services for an application.
  complete                          Shell completion command list
  cr                                Rebuild and clear all site caches.
  cre                               Execute cron implementations by module or execute all crons
  crr                               Release cron system lock to run cron again
  exec                              Execute an external command.
  gap                               Generate an Authentication Provider
  gcm                               Generate commands for the console.
  gcn                               Generate & Register a controller
  gdc                               Generate a printable cheatsheet for Commands
  gdd                               Generate the DrupalConsole.docset package for Dash
  gdg                               Generate documentations for Commands
  geb                               Generate a new content type (node / entity bundle)
  gecg                              Generate a new config entity
  gect                              Generate a new content entity
  ges                               Generate an event subscriber
  gfa                               Generate an implementation of hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
  gfc                               Generate a new "ConfigFormBase"
  gm                                Generate a module.
  gp                                Generate module permissions
  gpb                               Generate a plugin block
  gpc                               Generate a plugin condition.
  gpf                               Generate field type, widget and formatter plugins.
  gpff                              Generate field formatter plugin.
  gpft                              Generate field type plugin.
  gpfw                              Generate field widget plugin.
  gpie                              Generate image effect plugin.
  gpif                              Generate image formatter plugin.
  gpra                              Generate a plugin rule action
  gprr                              Generate plugin rest resource
  gpta                              Generate a plugin type with annotation discovery
  gpty                              Generate a plugin type with Yaml discovery
  gpvf                              Generate a custom plugin view field.
  gs                                Generate service
  gt                                Generate a theme.
  help                              Displays help for a command
  init                              Copy configuration files to user home directory.
  list                              Lists all available commands
  md                                Download module or modules in application
  mid                               Display current migration available for the application
  mie                               Execute a migration available for application
  mod                               Display current modules available for application
  moi                               Install module or modules in the application
  mou                               Uninstall module or modules in the application
  rede                              Display current rest resource for the application
  redi                              Disable a rest resource for the application
  ree                               Enable a rest resource for the application
  rod                               Displays current routes for the application
  ror                               Rebuild routes for the application
  sd                                List all known local and remote sites.
  self-update                       Update project to the latest version.
  server                            Runs PHP built-in web server
  si                                Install a Drupal project
  sma                               Switch site into maintenance mode
  smo                               Switch system performance configuration
  sn                                Create a new Drupal project
  ss                                View current Drupal Installation status
  td                                Download theme in application
  tde                               Displays current themes for the application
  ti                                Install theme or themes in the application
  tr                                Run Test unit from tests available for application
  tu                                Uninstall theme or themes in the application
  upd                               Display current updates available for the application
  upe                               Execute a specific Update N function in a module, or execute all
  uslca                             Clear failed login attempts for an account.
  uslu                              Returns a one-time user login url.
  usph                              Generate a hash from a plaintext password.
  uspr                              Reset password for a specific user.
  vde                               Display current views resources for the application
  vdi                               Disable a View
  ve                                Enable a View
  yd                                Compare two YAML files in order to find differences between them.
  ym                                Merge two or more YAML files in a new YAML file. Latest values are preserved.
  ys                                Split a YAML file using indent as separator criteria
  yu                                Replace a YAML key in a YAML file.
  yuv                               Update a value for a specific key in a YAML file.
  breakpoints:debug                 Displays breakpoints available in application
  cache:context:debug               Displays current cache context for the application.
  cache:rebuild                     Rebuild and clear all site caches.
  chain:debug                       List available chain files.
  config:debug                      Show the current configuration.
  config:delete                     Delete configuration
  config:diff                       Ouput configuration items that are different in active configuration compared with a directory.
  config:edit                       Edit the selected configuration.
  config:export                     Export current application configuration.
  config:export:content:type        Export a specific content type and their fields.
  config:export:single              Export single configuration as yml file.
  config:export:view                Export a view in YAML format inside a provided module to reuse in other website.
  config:import                     Import configuration to current application.
  config:import:single              Import the selected configuration.
  config:override                   Override config value in active configuration.
  config:settings:debug             Displays current key:value on settings file.
  container:debug                   Displays current services for an application.
  create:comments                   Create dummy comments for your Drupal 8 application.
  create:nodes                      Create dummy nodes for your Drupal 8 application.
  create:terms                      Create dummy terms for your Drupal 8 application.
  create:users                      Create dummy users for your Drupal 8 application.
  create:vocabularies               Create dummy vocabularies for your Drupal 8 application.
  cron:debug                        List of modules implementing a cron
  cron:execute                      Execute cron implementations by module or execute all crons
  cron:release                      Release cron system lock to run cron again
  database:client                   Launch a DB client if it's available
  database:connect                  Shows DB connection
  database:drop                     Drop all tables in a given database.
  database:dump                     Dump structure and contents of a database
  database:log:clear                Remove events from DBLog table, filters are available
  database:log:debug                Display current log events for the application
  database:restore                  Restore structure and contents of a database.
  database:table:debug              Show all tables in a given database.
  devel:dumper                      Change the devel dumper plugin
  event:debug                       Display current events 
  generate:authentication:provider  Generate an Authentication Provider
  generate:breakpoint               Generate breakpoint
  generate:command                  Generate commands for the console.
  generate:controller               Generate & Register a controller
  generate:doc:cheatsheet           Generate a printable cheatsheet for Commands
  generate:doc:dash                 Generate the DrupalConsole.docset package for Dash
  generate:doc:data                 Generate documentations for Commands.
  generate:doc:gitbook              Generate documentations for Commands
  generate:entity:bundle            Generate a new content type (node / entity bundle)
  generate:entity:config            Generate a new config entity
  generate:entity:content           Generate a new content entity
  generate:event:subscriber         Generate an event subscriber
  generate:form                     Generate a new "FormBase"
  generate:form:alter               Generate an implementation of hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
  generate:form:config              Generate a new "ConfigFormBase"
  generate:help                     Generate an implementation of hook_help()
  generate:module                   Generate a module.
  generate:module:file              Generate a .module file
  generate:permissions              Generate module permissions
  generate:plugin:block             Generate a plugin block
  generate:plugin:ckeditorbutton    Generate CKEditor button plugin.
  generate:plugin:condition         Generate a plugin condition.
  generate:plugin:field             Generate field type, widget and formatter plugins.
  generate:plugin:fieldformatter    Generate field formatter plugin.
  generate:plugin:fieldtype         Generate field type plugin.
  generate:plugin:fieldwidget       Generate field widget plugin.
  generate:plugin:imageeffect       Generate image effect plugin.
  generate:plugin:imageformatter    Generate image formatter plugin.
  generate:plugin:mail              Generate a plugin mail
  generate:plugin:rest:resource     Generate plugin rest resource
  generate:plugin:rulesaction       Generate a plugin rule action
  generate:plugin:skeleton          Generate an implementation of a skeleton plugin for those plugins Drupal Console do not have a specific generator
  generate:plugin:type:annotation   Generate a plugin type with annotation discovery
  generate:plugin:type:yaml         Generate a plugin type with Yaml discovery
  generate:plugin:views:field       Generate a custom plugin view field.
  generate:profile                  Generate a profile.
  generate:routesubscriber          Generate a RouteSubscriber
  generate:service                  Generate service
  generate:theme                    Generate a theme.
  generate:twig:extension           Generate a Twig extension.
  generate:update                   Generate an implementation of hook_update_N()
  image:styles:debug                List image styles on the site
  image:styles:flush                Execute flush function by image style or execute all flush images styles
  libraries:debug                   Displays libraries available in application
  locale:language:add               Add a language to be supported by your site
  locale:language:delete            Delete a language to be supported by your site
  locale:translation:status         List available translation updates
  migrate:debug                     Display current migration available for the application
  migrate:execute                   Execute a migration available for application
  migrate:setup                     Load and create the relevant migrations for a provided legacy database
  module:debug                      Display current modules available for application
  module:dependency:install         commands.module.install.dependencies.description
  module:download                   Download module or modules in application
  module:install                    Install module or modules in the application
  module:path                       Returns the relative path to the module (or absolute path)
  module:uninstall                  Uninstall module or modules in the application
  module:update                     Update core, module or modules in the application
  multisite:debug                   List all multisites available in system
  multisite:new                     Sets up the files for a new multisite install.
  node:access:rebuild               Rebuild node access permissions. Rebuilding will remove all privileges to content and replace them with permissions based on the current modules and settings.
  plugin:debug                      Display all plugin types, plugin instances of a specific type, or the definition for a specific plugin.
  queue:debug                       Display the queues of your application
  queue:run                         Process the selected queue.
  rest:debug                        Display current rest resource for the application
  rest:disable                      Disable a rest resource for the application
  rest:enable                       Enable a rest resource for the application
  router:debug                      Displays current routes for the application
  router:rebuild                    Rebuild routes for the application
  settings:debug                    List user Drupal Console settings.
  settings:set                      Change a specific setting value in DrupalConsole config file
  site:debug                        List all known local and remote sites.
  site:import:local                 Import/Configure an existing local Drupal project
  site:install                      Install a Drupal project
  site:maintenance                  Switch site into maintenance mode
  site:mode                         Switch system performance configuration
  site:new                          Create a new Drupal project
  site:statistics                   Show the current statistics of website.
  site:status                       View current Drupal Installation status
  state:debug                       Show the current State keys.
  state:delete                      Delete State
  state:override                    Override a State key.
  test:debug                        List Test Units available for the application.
  test:run                          Run Test unit from tests available for application
  theme:debug                       Displays current themes for the application
  theme:download                    Download theme in application
  theme:install                     Install theme or themes in the application
  theme:path                        Returns the relative path to the theme (or absolute path)
  theme:uninstall                   Uninstall theme or themes in the application
  translation:cleanup               Clean up translation files
  translation:pending               Determine pending translation string in a language or a specific file in a language
  translation:stats                 Generate translate stats
  translation:sync                  Sync translation files
  update:debug                      Display current updates available for the application
  update:entities                   Applying Entity Updates
  update:execute                    Execute a specific Update N function in a module, or execute all
  user:debug                        Displays current users for the application
  user:delete                       Delete users for the application
  user:login:clear:attempts         Clear failed login attempts for an account.
  user:login:url                    Returns a one-time user login url.
  user:password:hash                Generate a hash from a plaintext password.
  user:password:reset               Reset password for a specific user.
  user:role                         Adds/removes a role for a given user
  views:debug                       Display current views resources for the application
  views:disable                     Disable a View
  views:enable                      Enable a View
  views:plugins:debug               Display current views plugins for the application
  yaml:diff                         Compare two YAML files in order to find differences between them.
  yaml:get:value                    Get a value for a specific key in a YAML file.
  yaml:merge                        Merge two or more YAML files in a new YAML file. Latest values are preserved.
  yaml:split                        Split a YAML file using indent as separator criteria
  yaml:update:key                   Replace a YAML key in a YAML file.
  yaml:update:value                 Update a value for a specific key in a YAML file.
 // check
