
MVF WBE Shortcodes demo

Created by Fernando Paredes Murillo

File wbe-shortcodes-demo.html Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+	Not included:
+		-Shortcodes that don't affect styles (eg.: shema markup shortcodes)
+		-Homepage shortcodes
+		-Content Sections and Content Menus
+		-Taco Elements
+[contact-form-7 id="9155" title="WBE Contact"]
+[taco_responsive_banner title="Still unsure which to use?" href="" mobile_img="8542" tablet_img="8543" desktop_img="8541"]
+[tabs style="vertical" id="cms-support" css="border: 1px #ccc solid;"]
+[tab title="Servicio de atención al cliente"]
+<b>Servicio de atención al cliente</b>
+Squarespace ofrece numerosas maneras de obtener ayuda. Puedes contactar con el <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">equipo de atención al cliente</a> las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, a través su chat en directo, que está disponible de lunes a viernes entre las 4.00 h y las 20.00 h.
+<p style="text-align: center;"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6036 size-full" src="" alt="Evaluacion de Squarespace - Ayuda" /></p>
+Por norma, Squarespace responde a cada mensaje de correo electrónico en menos de una hora, con independencia de la hora del día o la noche a la que contactes para solicitar ayuda.
+Squarespace tiene su sede en Nueva York y probablemente tú no residas allí, por lo que resulta útil saber que te ayudará sea cual sea tu zona horaria.
+[/tab] [tab title="Colección de tutoriales"]
+<b>Colección de tutoriales</b>
+Squarespace cuenta con una amplia colección de tutoriales en vídeo que te guían paso a paso en el uso de las herramientas. Estos vídeos nos han parecido increíblemente útiles para aprender a usar Squarespace desde cero y nos han ahorrado mucho tiempo.
+Los vídeos están organizados en series como «Getting Started» (Iniciación), que incluye vídeos sobre los primeros pasos, «Site Style» (Estilo web) y «Your Pages &amp; Navigation» (Tus páginas y navegación), todas las cuales incluyen recursos detallados y fáciles de entender.
+<p style="text-align: center;"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6036 size-full" src="" alt="Evaluacion de Squarespace - Tutoriales" /></p>
+[/tab] [tab title="Foro de la comunidad"]
+<b>Foro de la comunidad Squarespace</b>
+<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Squarespace Answers</a>, el foro de la comunidad Squarespace, siempre está activo y en él obtendrás ayuda, ideas y consejos del personal de atención al cliente y otros usuarios.
+<p style="text-align: center;"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6036 size-full" src="" alt="Evaluacion de Squarespace - Foro de la Comunidad" /></p>
+La mejor manera de saber cómo funciona el foro es hacer clic en las etiquetas que se incluyen debajo de «Temas populares» a la derecha. Por ejemplo, puedes hacer clic en «blog page» (página de blog) o «mobile» (móvil) para acceder a todas las conversaciones sobre un tema concreto.
+Si necesitas ayuda con un problema específico, usa el recuadro de búsqueda (es posible que otros usuarios ya hayan formulado la pregunta y esta haya recibido respuesta muchas veces antes) o haz clic en «Hacer una pregunta».
+[wbe_discounts_block block_title="Get 10% Off Any Squarespace Plan" discount_code="WBE" btn_cta_text="Pick Your Squarespace Plan" btn_cta_link=""]Save 10% on the cost of any Squarespace plan with our exclusive offer code. To redeem your discount, follow these steps:
+ 	<li>Copy the code below and go to Squarespace</li>
+ 	<li>Create a Squarespace account</li>
+ 	<li>Choose a paid subscription and enter the code at checkout</li>
+[taco_decision_cta header="Choose a website builder and make money online today" subhead="What type of site do you want to build?" option_1_name="WEBSITE" option_1_image="8578" option_1_url="" option_1_button_colour="#F39F1A" option_2_name="ONLINE STORE" option_2_image="8579" option_2_url=""]
+[yt_popup id="SIlAncA1FCo" src=""]
+[wbe_quiz_cta cta_message="Are You Ready For a Personalized Recommendation?" button_text="Yes! Start the Quiz Now" cta_link=""]
+[flexi_table id="50222"]
+[taco_related_articles title="Title" articles="by_id:14654,14656,14655,14653"]
+<h2><code>twocol_one</code> & <code>twocol_one_last</code></h2>
+[twocol_one]<a class="fade-hover-effect-img" href=""><img class=" borderless aligncenter wp-image-4595 size-full" src="" alt="Free Website Builder Templates" width="285" height="330" /></a>
+<p style="text-align: center;">[button link="" size="large" bg_color="#f08a30" border="#b34300" ]Free Non-Ecommerce Templates[/button]</p>
+[/twocol_one][twocol_one_last]<a class="fade-hover-effect-img" href=""><img class="fade-hover-effect-img borderless aligncenter wp-image-4598 size-full" src="" alt="ecommerce website templates" width="285" height="330" /></a>
+<p style="text-align: center;">[button link="" size="large" bg_color="#f08a30" border="#b34300" ]Free Ecommerce Templates[/button]</p>
+[taco_embedded_video platform="youtube" video_id="EPsrdPoo_wM" poster=""]
+<h2><code>wbe_affiliates_list</code> & <code>wbe_affiliates_list_item</code></h2>
+[wbe_affiliates_list title="11 Best Website Builders of 2021"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="Wix" link="" oneliner="Best overall"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="Squarespace" link="" oneliner="Best template designs"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="Weebly" link="" oneliner="Ideal for small businesses"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="SITE123" link="" oneliner="Great help and support"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="Strikingly" link="" oneliner="Amazing value for money"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="Duda" link="" oneliner="Perfect for making multiple sites"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="GoDaddy" link="" oneliner="Fastest way to build a website"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="Zyro" link="" oneliner="Best for the basics"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="" link="" oneliner="Great for blogs"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="Jimdo Creator" link="" oneliner="Cheap ad-free plan"][wbe_affiliates_list_item name="1&amp;1 IONOS" link="" oneliner="Good for multilingual sites/ white collar businesses"][/wbe_affiliates_list]
+[quote]<em>There’s no doubt in my mind that they’re the perfect people to push WBE to the next level, and beyond the helpful resource we envisioned all those years ago.</em>[/quote]
+<h2><code>wbe_accordion_faq</code> & <code>wbe_accordion_faq_item</code></h2>
+[wbe_accordion_faq accordion_id="acc_best_website_builders_zyro"][wbe_accordion_faq_item title="Click the + to read a more detailed summary of Zyro"]
+Zyro’s most impressive features are its sales tools – starting with the fact that <strong>both of its </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><strong>ecommerce plans</strong></a><strong> are completely commission-free. </strong>That means you get to keep 100% of the money you make in sales. Plus, Zyro’s ecommerce plans offer nearly 50 different payment options for online shoppers, including PayPal and American Express.
+But when it comes to non-ecommerce features,<strong> like marketing and SEO, Zyro falls a little short of the competition. </strong>You can do the basics, like editing alt tags and meta titles, but there’s no keyword support or any dedicated SEO integrations.
+However, Zyro <em>does</em> set itself apart from the pack a little bit with a unique set of artificial intelligence (AI) tools that work with its website builder. Its AI writer tool will generate SEO-friendly copy just based on a few broad topics of your choosing, while its AI logo maker can help you kickstart your website’s branding.
+Zyro offers <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">127 template designs</a> to choose from, or you can start customizing from scratch with a blank template.
+<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-52203" src="" alt="designing with zyro" width="450" height="217" />
+<strong>The templates themselves are high-quality</strong> – they feature a lot of clean lines and have a stylish, modern feel. Plus, designing websites with Zyro is just easy. Its drag-and-drop builder uses helpful lines to guide you as you go, meaning it’s pretty difficult to make a poor design decision.
+<strong>That said, Zyro’s templates aren’t very customizable.</strong> The editor is very section based, and you can’t stray much from the original layout that you’ve chosen. You also can’t change templates once your site is live, so you really have to be committed to your chosen design.
+Zyro offers an <strong>impressive 30-day money back guarantee,</strong> so you’ll have plenty of time to decide if you like it or not. There’s no free plan, but its four price plans start from just <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">$2.90 per month</a>. If you want to start selling online, then Zyro’s ecommerce plans start from $9.90 per month.
+However, Zyro has one major con that most website builders don’t: <strong>it hikes up its prices after your first payment term,</strong> so that cheap $2.90 plan actually renews at $22.90 per month – which is incredibly expensive compared to similar plans from other builders.[/wbe_accordion_faq_item][/wbe_accordion_faq]
+[button link="" style="note" color="orange" window="yes"]Visite el sitio web Jimdo aquí[/button] 
+[gallery_section gallery_title="Squarespace Gallery" gallery_images="46280,46284,46288,46292,46296"]
+[box type="note" border="full" icon="none"]<strong><a href="">Best ecommerce Website Builders</a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">– check </span>out our comparison chart to see the best options out there</strong>[/box]
+[taco_cta text="Try Wix For Free" url="" cta_block_image="7751"]Wix is the best website builder on the market. Sign-up to its free plan and see what you make of it.[/taco_cta]
+[taco_highlighted_block style_class="secondary"]
+<p style="text-align: center;"><em>“I was genuinely surprised that it was that quick [to design a website]. I didn’t think that it would all get done in an hour.”</em></p>
+<p style="text-align: center;"><em>“I like the side menu where you can add images and apps etc. because it was simple and easy to navigate.”</em></p>
+[vc_single_image image="14902" img_size="full" add_caption="yes" alignment="center" onclick="custom_link" img_link_target="_blank" link="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"]
+[vc_single_image image="14902" img_size="full" add_caption="yes" alignment="center" onclick="custom_link" img_link_target="_blank" link="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"]

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