Allow/display linefeed in Notes field

Issue #30 resolved
Doug Dirks created an issue

In KeePass, in the Entry View, the contents of the Notes field are displayed in the same way as in the Edit Entry dialog. Specifically, I'm referring to the fact that carriage return/line feed characters are preserved.

In the BrowsePass entry display, multiple lines in the Notes field are concatenated so they show up on the same line. This seems less than ideal, especially if there is a relatively large amount of information in the Notes field.

I am seeing the same behavior in current versions of FireFox, Chrome, and Opera, so my guess is that this is not a browser issue.

Comments (3)

  1. Doug Dirks reporter

    Thanks for the quick update! If I may make a suggestion, changing the line in question to:

    <span ng-switch-default style="white-space:pre-wrap;">{{field.value}}</span>

    gives a slightly nicer-looking result than just surrounding the field with pre tags. This will preserve the line breaks but also allow long lines to wrap.

    (I don't really know how to navigate the Angular code, or I'd have suggested something like that the first time.)

    Thanks again!

  2. Nam Nguyen repo owner

    That makes sense. Thanks! The code change has been made but it won't be available in the Chrome Web Store yet. I'll push it together with future changes.

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