KeePassXC freezing

Issue #26 resolved
CronyAkatsuki created an issue

Running KeePassXC in background with tray icon.

After opening keepassxc window, then moving the focus from that workspace to another freezes KeePassXC.

Then to unfreeze the window I have to click the tray icon again and that unfreezes the window, but prints this error in the terminal qt.qpa.xcb: internal error: void QXcbWindow::setNetWmStateOnUnmappedWindow() called on mapped window.

This started happening after updating to version 1.8 from aur.

EDIT: Reinstalled version 1.7 and checked if the issue occurs and it doesn’t in version 1.7 the keepassxc window just stays open the whole time even when changing the workspace.

Comments (6)

  1. Nate Maia repo owner

    I think this should be resolved with the latest commit but I can re-open if your still running into issues

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