How to update DK?

Issue #39 resolved
stk created an issue

Can you add information of how to update DK to the README.MD?

Is it required to sudo make uninstall, then clone the repo again and do sudo make install again?

Comments (4)

  1. Nate Maia repo owner

    I can absolutely do that.

    Generally you can do this

    cd dk
    git pull
    sudo make install

    However I sometimes do push a rebase and squash one commit into another so if you happened to be on a commit that I did that to the git pull will fail, if that happens do

    cd dk
    cp src/config.h ~/config.h # backup any customisations (optional)
    cd ..
    rm -rf dk
    git clone
    cd dk
    cp ~/config.h src/config.h # restore if you backed up
    sudo make install

    Hope that’s helpful

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