Resize windows on grid and dyntile layout?

Issue #53 open
Viktor created an issue

When I open 3 windows, and:

  • when in tile mode, I get resize ud, down, right and left
  • when in dyntile mode, I get resize only right and left (up and down not)
  • when in grid mode, doesnt resize any directons

Comments (5)

  1. Viktor reporter

    Thx working, but I have 2 problem:
    - 1st problem: the gap function behaves differently before commit: ea43c69 (first pic: before commit, and second pic with commit)

    My dkrc config:

    • 2nd problem: the resizing is working, but when I use 3 window (left side 1, right side 2), then the lower right window working normally when resizing up and down, but when resizing upper right window, the down and up are interchanged. When I press Up, resize Down. I use the following code:
    super + ctrl + {Left,Right,Down,Up}
        dkcmd win resize {w=-20,w=+20,h=-20,h=+20}

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